The BSPR Intussusception Working Group (IWG) was constituted in 2013 to consolidate practice in the UK in the management of paediatric intussusception. The group includes radiologists, surgeons and others with an interest or practice that includes managing children with intussusception.
The BSPR Intussusception Working Group (IWG) was constituted in 2013 to consolidate practice in the UK in the management of paediatric intussusception. The group includes radiologists, surgeons and others with a practice that includes patients presenting with intussusception.
The initial aims included the production of a comprehensive evidence-based guideline
Intussusception Guidelines Aug 2017
Currently, the group has nominal membership of at least one clinician from nearly every UK centre with the aim to have national coverage as part of a pilot project to undertake a comprehensive, prospective and continuous audit in that order of priority.
Interested BSPR members can contact the BSPR office or Basil Bekdash ([email protected]) for further details. Once sufficient data is available we hope to share anonymised summary statistics along the lines of those presented in the previous interim reports and all assistance with the audit would be greatly welcomed. The primary aim is to allow each centre to have access to robust local outcomes in a common format which can then be shared voluntarily to benchmark performance nationally and beyond. This work is the platform for the longer-term ambition to make coordinated changes in practice on a robust foundation to achieve optimal outcomes.